Adventura Travel leads the way in responsible travel in Vietnam


Adventura Travel to embrace the concept of sustainability within all actions taken.


Adventura Travel continues to develop, operate and market tourism in a sustainable manner. The aim is to maximize the positive effects of travel and minimize negatives to ensure that cultures and natural environments of destinations continue to flourish.

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Adventura Travel embrace the concept of sustainability within all actions taken. Examples include using eco friendly modes of transport wherever possible; taking biodegradable cleaning products on trips to remote areas and greatly emphasizing cultural exchanges.

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Involving and working with local communities generates greater economic benefits for those involved thus enhancing the well being of host communities. The mission is to create better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit.

“Responsible Travel is about the legacy and consequences of tourism, not only for the environment but for local people and economies too. Our responsible tourism policy has a goal of sustainable development and is an area we drive forward everyday. In essence, it’s about caring for the planet and all natural entities living within it that make it such an extraordinary place.” Said Xuan Truong, Adventure Travel Expert of Adventura Travel, a devision of Luxury Travel Group Ltd.


Supporting charitable projects in Vietnam is part of Adventura Travel’s pledge to shape responsible tourism in the area they live and work. The company foundation was established for this purpose, in order to give back to the communities and actively take part in the process of sustainable development. Projects supported work in areas such as education, vocational training, community support, and cultural and environmental conservation.


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